Like guys playing the didgeridoo...

When we arrived it was snowing... didn't make for the best site-seeing day, but I mean we were in Paris, so the weather didn't really matter.
Next up, Eiffel Tower!

We finished our early evening back off at the Eiffel Tower to get some nighttime shots.
We arrived in Paris at approximately 11am and were supposed to leave at 8pm. However, when we got to the Eurostar/train station, we found out the Eurostar was temporarily shut down due to all the heavy snow London/Western Europe had been receiving. Which you know, we didn't mind spending the night in Paris except for the fact that our flight back to the states left London the next day. So that was a little troublesome and frightening.
So Liz and I grabbed a room at a nearby hotel and could only laugh at the canundrum (spelling?) we were in. The train station was supposed to open back up at 6am but we wanted to make darn sure we were one of the first people in line so we got up at 3:30am to get in line. It was a good thing we got up so early - there were only about 20 people ahead of us and within an hour our arrival there hundreds upon hundreds of people in line. By 6am there were literally thousands of people waiting in line to get on the Eurostar back to London. Thankfully it was a first come first serve basis and we were on the first train back to London. What normally would only take 2.5 hours, our ride took 4 hours because of the lowered speed limits (because of all the snow).
Once we got back to London, Liz and I had barely just enough time to grab our other luggage stored across town and then take the hour cab ride out to Heathrow airport. And thankfully furthermore, our flight wasn't one of the 75% flights cancelled.
Needless to say, those last 1-2 days spent in Europe were spent in a slight travel stress mode so Liz and I were definitely glad to be back home in America!!